
‘Job’ confession.

There is nobody in my life that knows exactly what I do for a job. I work for a company in the Uk that has around 1000 employees. I’ve been in this job 12 years now (!). The pay is okay. I can afford rent and bills and have some left over for bits and bobs. The secret is, the job doesn’t really have any purpose. I do nothing in the job. The job has slowly been automated (it’s admin) and I just click a ‘go’ button once a day. The managers don’t know this. When I speak to them I just make things up about statistics and they just nod along. Since covid, I’ve been able to press the daily button when working from home. I don’t work from home. I go on bike rides, go for a swim, cinema, read books, visit a lot of parks, go on…

There is nobody in my life that knows exactly what I do for a job. I work for a company in the Uk that has around 1000 employees.
I’ve been in this job 12 years now (!). The pay is okay. I can afford rent and bills and have some left over for bits and bobs.
The secret is, the job doesn’t really have any purpose. I do nothing in the job. The job has slowly been automated (it’s admin) and I just click a ‘go’ button once a day. The managers don’t know this. When I speak to them I just make things up about statistics and they just nod along.
Since covid, I’ve been able to press the daily button when working from home. I don’t work from home. I go on bike rides, go for a swim, cinema, read books, visit a lot of parks, go on day trips. Once I book a boat out on the river Cam. (I live in Cambridge) and I go on trips to London all the time. All on work time. I can press the button from my phone and I never ever have meetings.
In one way it’s the perfect job, but I’m worried I have no purpose in life. I’d love to do a job a enjoy. Maybe in nature.
Should i quit my job before they find out what’s going on? Or just enjoy the leisure work time!?

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