
Job gives me no notice and still expects me to work.

So I (18F) work in care. I started this job in late august and have put in my notice yesterday. As i’m still in probation the notice is only 1 week. Anyway, I do domiciliary care which essentially means i drive from door to door doing tasks. My car has been in the garage recently so wasn’t able to get it back until friday. I told them on friday that i was available to work monday (today) evening and continue as normal, however i have stated to them that i need at least 2 days notice beforehand as i am still in sixth form (kinda like the last 2 years of high school for the americans). Reasonable as i told them friday. I checked last night and they didn’t put any calls on. I finish sixth form today and start to drive back (around 40 minutes). I get a call…

So I (18F) work in care. I started this job in late august and have put in my notice yesterday. As i’m still in probation the notice is only 1 week. Anyway, I do domiciliary care which essentially means i drive from door to door doing tasks. My car has been in the garage recently so wasn’t able to get it back until friday. I told them on friday that i was available to work monday (today) evening and continue as normal, however i have stated to them that i need at least 2 days notice beforehand as i am still in sixth form (kinda like the last 2 years of high school for the americans). Reasonable as i told them friday. I checked last night and they didn’t put any calls on. I finish sixth form today and start to drive back (around 40 minutes). I get a call from my company saying that they have put some calls on, I asked when the first one was and they said now.

I started to panic and stress out because they weren’t there before. I explained how long it would take for me to even get there after having to drive back, they still insisted on me doing it.
I got home and just broke down, it was a lot of stress and pressure and i couldn’t help but feel bad about not going. i told them i couldn’t do it and they tried pressuring me into it, at one point i complied but my dad saw the state i was in and refused to let me go. He took my phone so i couldn’t see any calls they left me (which i’m grateful for) and left a lovely message for them.

I don’t know, i needed to complain because they can’t put this amount of pressure on a student.

thank you to those that read this.

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