
Job hunting for the fun of it and…

I'm flabbergasted. I'm currently employed and enjoy my job but with unemployment so low I assumed wages would be higher. I'm looking for work without a degree and am consistently finding jobs that pay $50k that require a BACHELORS degree…. like what the actual fuck? This is why millennial's are locked out of the housing market. You need two incomes close to $50/yr just to have a hope of buying a home. This is so frustrating.

I'm flabbergasted. I'm currently employed and enjoy my job but with unemployment so low I assumed wages would be higher. I'm looking for work without a degree and am consistently finding jobs that pay $50k that require a BACHELORS degree…. like what the actual fuck? This is why millennial's are locked out of the housing market. You need two incomes close to $50/yr just to have a hope of buying a home. This is so frustrating.

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