
Job hunting is a pain in the a**

I graduated college back in January and I’ve been job hunting since. I studied computer science. I’m currently in a crappy dead end warehouse associate for a year now. Monthly I get threatened with jobloss, and of course people there less time than me get promoted. If I didn’t have medical bills including medication I would have walked away a long time ago. I also lost my second source of income due to stock crashing and crypto winter back in June. Meanwhile I keep getting dear applicant job letters basically saying I didn’t get the job. It sucks because they’re software developer jobs that pay high 5 to 6 figures meaning I know if I got an offer from one of them it would change my life for the good. I would pay off my debt in less than a year if I can only get those offers. I looked…

I graduated college back in January and I’ve been job hunting since. I studied computer science. I’m currently in a crappy dead end warehouse associate for a year now. Monthly I get threatened with jobloss, and of course people there less time than me get promoted. If I didn’t have medical bills including medication I would have walked away a long time ago. I also lost my second source of income due to stock crashing and crypto winter back in June. Meanwhile I keep getting dear applicant job letters basically saying I didn’t get the job. It sucks because they’re software developer jobs that pay high 5 to 6 figures meaning I know if I got an offer from one of them it would change my life for the good. I would pay off my debt in less than a year if I can only get those offers. I looked into another job for the time being too but my main concern is he managers from software dev companies could see me as a job hopper. Obviously if they end up firing me then I would have a choice at this point. I took resume classes, networked, go to job fairs, used LinkedIn, create job portfolios but still no luck getting an offer. If I quit and get sick im fcked. If I get fired im fucked. Also “natural herbal medicine” that can replace my meds are expensive in this state unless I go to the black market or take a vacation in a legal state. Any job hunt suggestions I can try. Thanks.

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