
job hunting makes me feel disposable and devalued

Im a 23 years old woman and im currently taking a break from studying. I graduated university in february and plan on starting a master's in september. Until now i worked in a theatre as an usher, a job that i got out of sheer luck and that was perfect while i was a student. Rn i need to save money as im gonna move in september and im looking for a job as a newly graduated, inexperienced twenty something. And it's exhausting and demeaning. Getting an interview sounds nice at first but then you realise that it doesn't really mean anything, there aren't guarantees that they'll call you back, not even to tell you they went another way. The job descriptions are absurd, saying things like “the ideal candidate is passionate about retail”. What?? I just need to work! And the salaries of some of these job offers are…

Im a 23 years old woman and im currently taking a break from studying. I graduated university in february and plan on starting a master's in september. Until now i worked in a theatre as an usher, a job that i got out of sheer luck and that was perfect while i was a student. Rn i need to save money as im gonna move in september and im looking for a job as a newly graduated, inexperienced twenty something. And it's exhausting and demeaning. Getting an interview sounds nice at first but then you realise that it doesn't really mean anything, there aren't guarantees that they'll call you back, not even to tell you they went another way. The job descriptions are absurd, saying things like “the ideal candidate is passionate about retail”. What?? I just need to work! And the salaries of some of these job offers are ridiculous, 750€ a month for 40 hours a week for example. And then you constantly hear employers complaing that young people are lazy and don't want to work. Im tired and i feel more and more mortified each day. I wish i could just… not do this but i need the money. How do you not get frustraded and sad?

Yeah i guess this is more of a rant and im sorry for any grammar mistakes (english is not my native language)
Thank you for reading

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