
Job ignores and disrespects me

I’ve been working overnight at this hotel/bar for like 8-9 months now. It’s not located in the safest area so there have always been issues. Things I’ve had to deal with include are threats from belligerent drunks and aggressive homeless people, fights, robberies, domestic violence, weapons/firearms, and shootings. I’ve literally been begging for improved safety and they’ve ignored me, just lied about doing stuff, or taken idiotic, ineffective half measures for my entire tenure. I finally put my foot down today and said I would not work overnight alone next week or else I wouldn’t show and while they caved because they need me the disrespect was palpable. Like there have literally been 5 shootings in the past 6 weeks, including a murder yesterday, and they still weren’t gonna do anything. I even heard from a friend in management that they think the only reason I want the extra person…

I’ve been working overnight at this hotel/bar for like 8-9 months now. It’s not located in the safest area so there have always been issues. Things I’ve had to deal with include are threats from belligerent drunks and aggressive homeless people, fights, robberies, domestic violence, weapons/firearms, and shootings. I’ve literally been begging for improved safety and they’ve ignored me, just lied about doing stuff, or taken idiotic, ineffective half measures for my entire tenure. I finally put my foot down today and said I would not work overnight alone next week or else I wouldn’t show and while they caved because they need me the disrespect was palpable. Like there have literally been 5 shootings in the past 6 weeks, including a murder yesterday, and they still weren’t gonna do anything. I even heard from a friend in management that they think the only reason I want the extra person with me is so we can slack off and hang out. I honestly don’t think I’ll make it much longer. I like my coworkers but my boss is a snake who puts profits over people as much as possible.

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