
job interview nonsense

I'm currently looking for a new job as I've had some medical difficulties where I couldn't work for 6 months. Had an interview question yesterday that really made me shake my head at our entire system and big companies in general. The interviewer said , “So besides our benefits and our hourly wage, why do you really want to work here?” Keep in mind this is a pest control company. A job that almost NOBODY wants to do, and those who are able to do it most definitely know it's a brutal job. We work to support ourselves, and to take care of our families and medical needs. It is a means to an end. Work is NOT the most important thing in people's lives. If we get something else out of a job or learn things along the way then it is just icing on the cake. I accept…

I'm currently looking for a new job as I've had some medical difficulties where I couldn't work for 6 months. Had an interview question yesterday that really made me shake my head at our entire system and big companies in general.
The interviewer said ,

“So besides our benefits and our hourly wage, why do you really want to work here?”

Keep in mind this is a pest control company. A job that almost NOBODY wants to do, and those who are able to do it most definitely know it's a brutal job. We work to support ourselves, and to take care of our families and medical needs. It is a means to an end. Work is NOT the most important thing in people's lives. If we get something else out of a job or learn things along the way then it is just icing on the cake. I accept that you have to start at the bottom, but stop acting like you're looking for people to rise up the ranks and really make a living with a labor type of job. I'm willing to do hard labor to make ends meet, but don't expect people to be passionate about breaking their back to line the company's pockets.

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