
Job is increasing our workload without giving a raise

I work at a store that’s part of big chain of supermarkets in the US and it’s been alright for the most part. I worked in a factory before and it was absolute hell, so compared to that job, anything seemed better. The pay I get now is better than what I got at my old job, which is why I left. The only catch was I that I accepted a job on the overnight crew stocking shelves. Plus I shopped at the store almost everyday before getting hired. I thought “I get it to be in the store I’m always at, make way more money, and I get employee discount?” I naively thought I was racking up wins. Now I’ve been working there for over a year and I’m completely disillusioned. I’ve only gotten 2 raises since I started the job. 1 was a dollar raise that everyone got…

I work at a store that’s part of big chain of supermarkets in the US and it’s been alright for the most part. I worked in a factory before and it was absolute hell, so compared to that job, anything seemed better. The pay I get now is better than what I got at my old job, which is why I left. The only catch was I that I accepted a job on the overnight crew stocking shelves. Plus I shopped at the store almost everyday before getting hired. I thought “I get it to be in the store I’m always at, make way more money, and I get employee discount?” I naively thought I was racking up wins.

Now I’ve been working there for over a year and I’m completely disillusioned. I’ve only gotten 2 raises since I started the job. 1 was a dollar raise that everyone got not long after I started, which I assumed was to draw in new employees since they’re always understaffed.( Although the managers said when those raises went out, the expectations went up) The other I assume was for reaching my 1 year anniversary, but it was only 30 cents. And I have so much taken out of my check to pay for taxes and benefits, that the small raise doesn’t even matter. That’s another problem have with this job: The benefits are terrible. Honestly, the shitty factory I worked at before gave better benefits. And with inflation as high as it is, I have way less money to play around with and save like before. Now I come in after my weekend off and the manager says we have to work totes now too. Totes are gray boxes that have random things found around the store(you know when people pick something off the shelf and change their mind and put it in a random spot? That stuff)

That’s a whole new responsibility on top of the ones we already have: Working the palettes, working picks, zoning and now totes. It just makes me wonder what the day shift does because zoning and totes is mainly THEIR job. And the people at top don’t have the decency to give even a small raise to make up for the increased workload. It’s whatever though, because I'm not working any harder than I already do. I'll continue to work at my normal pace. If I get to their precious totes, then okay, if not then oh fucking well, not my problem.

That all I wanted to say. I didn’t come for advice or anything. I just wanted to rant about my shitty job. I know capitalism sucks, billionaires and corporations are evil, the US has terrible workers rights laws and all that. I get it, but knowing doesn’t make me feel better about being in this situation

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