
Job just cut every employee to part time

I work for a big music retailer, we’ll call them “instrument conglomerate.” After the last 2 years of begging for help and being assured it was coming (I have multiple posts here you can find) we’ve just been informed that every employee nationwide has been cut to part time and losing benefits. To boot, they’re putting a hard cap on 6 total employees per store, and anywhere that has more has to fire people. We were already fucked for coverage and the place couldn’t be maintained – my store in particular is pretty large – but this is just gonna royally fuck the pig as far as we’re concerned. Everyone is completely checked out, we’re basically just shuffling around, polishing the brass on the titanic and waiting to get sacked at this point.

I work for a big music retailer, we’ll call them “instrument conglomerate.” After the last 2 years of begging for help and being assured it was coming (I have multiple posts here you can find) we’ve just been informed that every employee nationwide has been cut to part time and losing benefits. To boot, they’re putting a hard cap on 6 total employees per store, and anywhere that has more has to fire people. We were already fucked for coverage and the place couldn’t be maintained – my store in particular is pretty large – but this is just gonna royally fuck the pig as far as we’re concerned. Everyone is completely checked out, we’re basically just shuffling around, polishing the brass on the titanic and waiting to get sacked at this point.

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