
Job making me depressed and empty and mentally exhausted

I started this job about a year ago, excelled in my position, far beyond my colleagues. I am not saying this to brag, just giving a bit of back story. Well since I was doing so good in the position I was hired for, abruptly one day I come into work and am told I am being moved to a new field of work within our company. Without giving much away here, this new field of work usually is filled by someone who has a degree and much experience in this field. It's not something that you would just know by using common sense. There's a lot of industry knowledge required in this field. So, there I am abruptly placed in this new position. Am told that I am being “rewarded” for my hard work. Since I've taken on this role, I recieved about two hours total of training by…

I started this job about a year ago, excelled in my position, far beyond my colleagues. I am not saying this to brag, just giving a bit of back story.

Well since I was doing so good in the position I was hired for, abruptly one day I come into work and am told I am being moved to a new field of work within our company. Without giving much away here, this new field of work usually is filled by someone who has a degree and much experience in this field.

It's not something that you would just know by using common sense. There's a lot of industry knowledge required in this field.

So, there I am abruptly placed in this new position. Am told that I am being “rewarded” for my hard work.

Since I've taken on this role, I recieved about two hours total of training by the person previously doing this job. This stuff is so far above my head that trying to figure it out is leaving me completely depressed. I've completed about 6 projects so far in this new position by “winging it” but getting to the finished stage means grueling mental exhaustion trying to literally figure it out on the fly.

And each project is very different so it's like an entire new cycle each time.

I ask for help and everyone acts too busy to help. I'm giving the run around. Promised help many times but it never happens and then come time for the deadline I'm pressured to finish on time.

I almost walked out today. I just want my old job that I was hired for back…

My boss knows I have no clue what I'm doing and just figuring it out on my own. His response is yeah the last guy should have trained you better and blames the last guy without fixing the issue

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