
Job market is absolutely mental these days. Can’t even get an entry-level, part-time kitchen job

This happened a while ago, but it still makes my blood boil when I remember it First, little backstory. My girlfriend's friend runs a bakery. I was curious about that job and wanted to earn a little extra cash, so I asked my GF if I could work at her place part time. She said – yes of course. I told her I don't know anything about making pastry, but I'm willing to learn. I was told I'd be paid in cash. We were basically friends so what could go wrong, I thought. I get there early in the morning, no one tells me what to do, I am told to just watch this other guy and help him. OK, sure. I did some basic things, tried to make some pastry myself but mostly failed. No biggie. After that I washed the dishes and cleaned everything. When it was time…

This happened a while ago, but it still makes my blood boil when I remember it

First, little backstory. My girlfriend's friend runs a bakery. I was curious about that job and wanted to earn a little extra cash, so I asked my GF if I could work at her place part time.

She said – yes of course. I told her I don't know anything about making pastry, but I'm willing to learn. I was told I'd be paid in cash. We were basically friends so what could go wrong, I thought.

I get there early in the morning, no one tells me what to do, I am told to just watch this other guy and help him. OK, sure. I did some basic things, tried to make some pastry myself but mostly failed. No biggie. After that I washed the dishes and cleaned everything.

When it was time for me to leave, I said goodbye and asked – “And what about the money?” She looked at me weird and said that we'll talk about this tomorrow. It's getting suspicious but I thought everything would go smoothly.

Next day comes and it's same as yesterday, no one telling me what I should be doing, just stand behind this dude and help him. Then dishes and clean the kitchen.

When it's my time to leave, I ask about the money again and she says we need to talk about something first. I'm getting really worried and a little angry at this point.

“Well, I'm not saying I won't pay you” (What?) “But it's normal to try out the job for the first few days” (WTF) “yes, you did something, but if you don't know how to make pastry there is no reason for me to pay you, every company does it like this” (are you fucking shitting me) “you know that, right?”

I said “What are you talking about? I have had over 15 jobs, and no one has ever asked me to work for free”

“Well, it works like this basically everywhere” and then she gave me the money with the most annoyed look imaginable; basically, implying she was doing me a favor by paying me for my work.

Are you out of your mind? You are looking for a part time worker, but you expect them to already have experience, and work a few days for free? While paying them little over minimum wage?

I don't care if she expects someone to work for free, but at least say it BEFORE I start working, not after! FFS. Screw this system, employees expect everything and offer nothing in return, other than the absolute bare minimum.

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