
job not extended due to lack of funding

I'm not necessarily anti-work because unfortunately, I have to work. But damnit, I'm sick of this shit. I was laid off in Aug 2021 and got a decent job in January 2022. My position is grant funded through 9/30/22 and was originally posted in October of 2021, which is when I applied. Just got word that my position didn't get funded after 9/30. I work “hard” … meaning I do my job and do it well. Idk what's going to happen but so nice of the higher ups to send the email on a Friday afternoon before a holiday weekend and to tell us how valuable we all are to our “underserved clients.” Better yet is the asshole on my team who sat on the email. At least my supervisor had the respect to forward it to the rest of our team.

I'm not necessarily anti-work because unfortunately, I have to work. But damnit, I'm sick of this shit. I was laid off in Aug 2021 and got a decent job in January 2022. My position is grant funded through 9/30/22 and was originally posted in October of 2021, which is when I applied. Just got word that my position didn't get funded after 9/30. I work “hard” … meaning I do my job and do it well. Idk what's going to happen but so nice of the higher ups to send the email on a Friday afternoon before a holiday weekend and to tell us how valuable we all are to our “underserved clients.” Better yet is the asshole on my team who sat on the email. At least my supervisor had the respect to forward it to the rest of our team.

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