
Job not letting us create picket signs?

So Union folks put out materials for making picket signs in company breakroom. Company got pissy and tossed them. Union folks swearing revenge. I am pro union and voted for ours but…not surprised at all company wouldn’t allow this. Union is claiming company broke the rules but….is that true?? I’ve googled and can’t find anything unbiased saying one way or the other. Can anyone point me in the right direction? All I can find is that they have to allow picketing and signs on premises, not that they have to allow the creation of such things.

So Union folks put out materials for making picket signs in company breakroom. Company got pissy and tossed them. Union folks swearing revenge.

I am pro union and voted for ours but…not surprised at all company wouldn’t allow this. Union is claiming company broke the rules but….is that true?? I’ve googled and can’t find anything unbiased saying one way or the other. Can anyone point me in the right direction?

All I can find is that they have to allow picketing and signs on premises, not that they have to allow the creation of such things.

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