
Job offer rescinded

I got a job offer for a job that’s across the country, and was planning to move. They gave me a start date at the end of May. They called a few days after to ask if I was able to start next week instead. I said that I would be able to start next week, no problem, but this would require me moving some of my own plans around, would like to take a week off towards the end of May, as I had existing travel plans. They called back saying that requesting time off so early on in your employment shows a lack of commitment to the company and that they’re rescinding the job offer altogether. WTF?

I got a job offer for a job that’s across the country, and was planning to move. They gave me a start date at the end of May. They called a few days after to ask if I was able to start next week instead. I said that I would be able to start next week, no problem, but this would require me moving some of my own plans around, would like to take a week off towards the end of May, as I had existing travel plans. They called back saying that requesting time off so early on in your employment shows a lack of commitment to the company and that they’re rescinding the job offer altogether.


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