
Job Offer…Rescinded!

So the other day I applied for a job in health care (USA). This is the kind of job where you need to pass background checks, obviously, which I've never had an issue with. I've worked in health care forever. Anyway, I had a phone interview on Wednesday. At their request, I gave them some personal/professional references. They checked them the same day and was told I got the job. They set up a meet and greet at the place I'd be working for this afternoon (Friday). They were excited. I was too. This morning I get a call from the main office. I wasn't in the room so I missed it, but the HR director left a message. He said that he was very sorry, but that they were not going to be able to offer me the job after all. No reason given. He did say I could…

So the other day I applied for a job in health care (USA). This is the kind of job where you need to pass background checks, obviously, which I've never had an issue with. I've worked in health care forever.

Anyway, I had a phone interview on Wednesday. At their request, I gave them some personal/professional references. They checked them the same day and was told I got the job. They set up a meet and greet at the place I'd be working for this afternoon (Friday). They were excited. I was too.

This morning I get a call from the main office. I wasn't in the room so I missed it, but the HR director left a message. He said that he was very sorry, but that they were not going to be able to offer me the job after all. No reason given. He did say I could call him if I had any questions. Oh, and he wished me luck with my job hunt. Thanks!

When I got the message, I called back. But Mr. HR Director left early for the day, because it's the Fourth of July weekend and fuck you, that's why! I was told he'll be back on Tuesday, though, and I can call then. Fantastic.

So this leaves me wondering: why? Did something happen with my background checks? I don't think I committed any crimes or had any substantiated claims of abuse against me in the last two and a half years since I last applied for a job. I feel like I'd remember that. If my background checks are a problem, that means it's back to food service for me, I guess. But I can't imagine why I'd fail them when I never have before. Did I lie on my application? I don't think I did. The only possibility I can think of is that I may have checked “no” on the question “Have you ever been fired from a job before,” but I'm not sure. Did they check my work history and find something they didn't like? Did someone from another company badmouth me? I have no idea. Any thoughts?

I'm just amazed. I thought companies were desperate to hire people because everyone is really, really lazy. I guess they're not THAT desperate, though.

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