
Job offer rescinded. How far can I go with this?

I was offered a decent-paying position as a delivery driver at a pizza chain in my city ($20-30/hr avg for the area). I went through the interview process, I applied again when they lost my application, I signed forms during the on boarding process, and submitted my drivers license and proof of insurance so they could verify it. About 3 weeks ago the last form I signed for them was one that certifies I have been insured for at least 18 months. I signed this, and sent it back the same day. Today, 3 weeks later, I called inquiring about when I’ll get my schedule. The hiring manager said that they won’t be hiring me because I didn’t have a witness sign that last form. Keep in mind that when she sent me the form, nowhere on it or her email was there anything that said “I” had to have…

I was offered a decent-paying position as a delivery driver at a pizza chain in my city ($20-30/hr avg for the area). I went through the interview process, I applied again when they lost my application, I signed forms during the on boarding process, and submitted my drivers license and proof of insurance so they could verify it. About 3 weeks ago the last form I signed for them was one that certifies I have been insured for at least 18 months. I signed this, and sent it back the same day.

Today, 3 weeks later, I called inquiring about when I’ll get my schedule. The hiring manager said that they won’t be hiring me because I didn’t have a witness sign that last form. Keep in mind that when she sent me the form, nowhere on it or her email was there anything that said “I” had to have a witness sign that. I assumed the “witness” line was for the managers or corporate to sign, signifying they saw and authorized it to be filed or whatever.

This in itself shouldn’t be an issue, however because of this they’ve rescinded the promise they made to hire me, and they didn’t even notify me. It’s been a little less than a week since that manger decided not to hire me, according to her when I called just now, and she made no effort to notify me as someone she promised a job to. As a result, I will have less income these coming months than I originally planned at that puts me in a significant hole that I don’t even want to think about right now.

They said I could reapply as an in-house server, but I declined because I applied to be a driver and was being onboarded as a driver. I asked for the corporate phone number, and the names of all the managers of that store. I have all the emails sent between us, and the call logs to their store.

My question is, how far can I go with this? Am I entitled to anything? Can I get that manager fired? Can I force them to finish hiring me? Can I make a case for myself somehow, or is there no point? I feel so wronged. It’s was incredibly unprofessional for this manager to communicate to me as they have saying they WILL hire me, then not even call me back asking about the witness’ signature a month into the process. You shouldn’t be able to play around with someone’s livelihood like that, over something as measly as a missed signature.

I’d really appreciate any info, help, or links y’all could provide me with. I’ll be doing my own research too. Also I’m in Illinois, for those of u who may know more about the laws here than I do rn. Thanks in advance

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