
Job offered me $2.00 less than the starting pay because of gap in resume

Let me preface this by saying I wasn't aware of the job listing's starting pay at the time of my interview. I didn't look at the listing because I was referred this job by a friend who stated he started at $17/hr and he gave me the details of the job description. I figured it'd be a cake walk the way he made it sound. The job was for a design/social media position at a small business. So during the interview with the manager, he asked how much I'd like. I told him $17/hr (since that is what my friend is making). He told me that that could work and that he and I can go talk with the owner, who was currently in his office. But before we entered the owner's office, the manager told me just to be “open minded and flexible…” We entered the office and I…

Let me preface this by saying I wasn't aware of the job listing's starting pay at the time of my interview. I didn't look at the listing because I was referred this job by a friend who stated he started at $17/hr and he gave me the details of the job description. I figured it'd be a cake walk the way he made it sound. The job was for a design/social media position at a small business.

So during the interview with the manager, he asked how much I'd like. I told him $17/hr (since that is what my friend is making). He told me that that could work and that he and I can go talk with the owner, who was currently in his office. But before we entered the owner's office, the manager told me just to be “open minded and flexible…”

We entered the office and I met with the owner who began telling me that my resume and bachelors degree don't mean anything because I could just be looking good on paper. He then asked about my 6 month employment gap. I told him that I left my last job to begin working for myself as a musician by playing shows, selling my merchandise, working on recordings, etc. I informed him that it didn't work out too well financially which is why I am now looking for a job (mistake).

He asked how much I made on my last show and I told him $160. He then went on about calculations of how much gas it took to get there, the wear and tear on my car, how long I was performing at the show, how many CDs/t-shirts did I sell etc. He then asked how much I was making at my previous job and I told him $17.90.

He offered me $15/hr to start. I told him I'm firm on $17. The manager then leaned over to me and whispered, “Be flexible.” I just stared him confused and repeated that I'd like $17. The manager then stated out loud that when he told me to be flexible, it was to see how trustworthy I was, and me asking for more was proving that I was not willing to be flexible for the company. Wtf?

The owner then spoke about how I am currently unemployed, looking for a job, and making less money via my music than my last job. He then stated, “$15 an hour is probably starting to look pretty good right about now, isn't it?”

I couldn't believe they were trying to gaslight me into thinking I was so desperate to have a job that I would be stupid not to accept it for $15/hr.

The owner told me if I can “prove myself” after 30 days of doing “grunt work,” they would consider a raise. I stupidly accepted the position, tucked my tail, and left.

I later asked my friend to send me the official job listing so I could look it over. The listing showed a starting range of $17-$20 an hour. I emailed the manager and told them what I had just discovered and that I will now be requiring $18/hr to start.

I don't expect them to hire me now, but I think I dodged a huge bullet.

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