
Job offers for students are bs

Fortunately I'm not in need of a job, but i want some income to help myself with my expenses instead of relying on previous savings and my parents. But all I find as “part time” jobs are call center jobs that demand at least 30 hours per week! That's 6 hours/day when I already have classes from 7 am to 3 pm Wich means if I start working immediately at 3pm that's finishing my day around 8 pm. It also pisses me off that these companies are foreign, from France, USA and Canada offering extremely low wages to students in Mexico that find no other employment options. The only pro they have is you basically work at any time you want. I know several students working for these companies, they do complain about shitty payment, pressure, etc. I thought it might not be as bad as they say, after all,…

Fortunately I'm not in need of a job, but i want some income to help myself with my expenses instead of relying on previous savings and my parents. But all I find as “part time” jobs are call center jobs that demand at least 30 hours per week! That's 6 hours/day when I already have classes from 7 am to 3 pm Wich means if I start working immediately at 3pm that's finishing my day around 8 pm. It also pisses me off that these companies are foreign, from France, USA and Canada offering extremely low wages to students in Mexico that find no other employment options. The only pro they have is you basically work at any time you want. I know several students working for these companies, they do complain about shitty payment, pressure, etc. I thought it might not be as bad as they say, after all, there are many students working for them. I had interviews with several companies and their salary ranged from 300-600 USD/month. That's 2.5 – 5 usd per hour, minus tax. Mexico is cheaper of course, but even these salaries are low as fuck in here. Oh and if you accept, you need to be trained for around 10 hours before actually starting to work, unpaid. I have no idea why many students are working for these companies, you can literally make 3 times that money by selling stuff online or something.

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