
job punishing people for calling out when we were told we wouldn’t be.

I work at a place that has a point based call out system. If you call out for being sick you get one point with a maximum of 5 points. This week we've been getting several severe weather warnings and so I confirmed with management that we wouldn't get pointed if we called out/left early due to weather. I even have text confirmation that that is indeed the case. Well, yesterday we had a decent snow fall for the area and roads/cars were frozen and such. So, naturally, they had a lot of call outs (I wasn't scheduled). Today I get to work and hear that they're pointing everyone who called in for weather after noon even though they explicitly said they wouldn't. Is this legal? Or allowable? Cause it doesn't feel like it.

I work at a place that has a point based call out system. If you call out for being sick you get one point with a maximum of 5 points.

This week we've been getting several severe weather warnings and so I confirmed with management that we wouldn't get pointed if we called out/left early due to weather. I even have text confirmation that that is indeed the case.

Well, yesterday we had a decent snow fall for the area and roads/cars were frozen and such.
So, naturally, they had a lot of call outs (I wasn't scheduled). Today I get to work and hear that they're pointing everyone who called in for weather after noon even though they explicitly said they wouldn't.

Is this legal? Or allowable? Cause it doesn't feel like it.

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