
Job requiring me to move without additional pay

Been working this job as a contract to hire. The contracting company gives me benefits and all of that so going full time isn't crazy. I'm currently working from home in Tampa, FL. They gave me the official offer on Friday to hire me on as a full time employee. Cool. Great. I'm down. I get the offer and they listed the pay at exactly the same as I'm making rn. I am required to move from FL to either NYC or LA by the end of Q2. I pushed back and all she could offer me was “trying to negotiate a wellness benefit of $800 for workout classes, massages, etc). I was shooketh. I'm going to argue my case Monday but the idea of walking scares the shit out of me. Previous to this I was unemployed for 6 months. Any one know how to negotiate my way out…

Been working this job as a contract to hire. The contracting company gives me benefits and all of that so going full time isn't crazy. I'm currently working from home in Tampa, FL. They gave me the official offer on Friday to hire me on as a full time employee. Cool. Great. I'm down. I get the offer and they listed the pay at exactly the same as I'm making rn. I am required to move from FL to either NYC or LA by the end of Q2. I pushed back and all she could offer me was “trying to negotiate a wellness benefit of $800 for workout classes, massages, etc). I was shooketh. I'm going to argue my case Monday but the idea of walking scares the shit out of me. Previous to this I was unemployed for 6 months. Any one know how to negotiate my way out of potential poverty?

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