
Job search has gone on for over a year, can’t pay rent and have >$100 in my bank

I'm struggling hard guys. I've been trying to get hired for positions that won't worsen my disability, and I'm having no luck. I'm glad my parents have been extremely generous (I haven't paid rent in a few months), but I'm starting to feel like a leech and it's aggravating my depression, which hasn't helped. I'm trying to work with the folks that help people like me find jobs in my state, but it's a lot of waiting with little payoff. I don't know what to do anymore.

I'm struggling hard guys. I've been trying to get hired for positions that won't worsen my disability, and I'm having no luck. I'm glad my parents have been extremely generous (I haven't paid rent in a few months), but I'm starting to feel like a leech and it's aggravating my depression, which hasn't helped. I'm trying to work with the folks that help people like me find jobs in my state, but it's a lot of waiting with little payoff. I don't know what to do anymore.

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