
Job searching is depressing and demeaning.

The amount of extra fluff and cringyness in job listings these days is absolutely staggering, and that isn't even factoring in the disparity between the requirements and compensation listed in these jobs. I saw one for example that claimed to be a remote help desk job that required a strong wired ethernet connection, an i7 computer, your own phone/home office setup, and would pay $10 an hour IF you got 40 hours in a week. So basically even if you did tuck your tail and apply for that shit, they'd keep you at 39 hours a week to pay $8 an hour. That's another fun point, jobs with demeaning pay or just straight up not even listing the pay. I'm so sick and tired of this job market culture these days…

The amount of extra fluff and cringyness in job listings these days is absolutely staggering, and that isn't even factoring in the disparity between the requirements and compensation listed in these jobs. I saw one for example that claimed to be a remote help desk job that required a strong wired ethernet connection, an i7 computer, your own phone/home office setup, and would pay $10 an hour IF you got 40 hours in a week. So basically even if you did tuck your tail and apply for that shit, they'd keep you at 39 hours a week to pay $8 an hour. That's another fun point, jobs with demeaning pay or just straight up not even listing the pay. I'm so sick and tired of this job market culture these days…

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