
Job seems incapable of planning any event. Why is it so hard for them?

My company likes to plan stupid events that I usually don't attend. I attend the structured ones, that are planned a week in advance. Examples of the unstructured ones: “Happy hour after work!” “Food buffet outside” These are really annoying, because my work can never provide a time frame these will be held other than “today or tomorrow” or “late afternoon.” I've had to ask “Should I eat lunch now, or later? I'm hungry now” because they couldn't elaborate on when food for an event would arrive. I think it's really weird and strange that they can't provide times. Is there a reason for this?

My company likes to plan stupid events that I usually don't attend. I attend the structured ones, that are planned a week in advance. Examples of the unstructured ones:

“Happy hour after work!”

“Food buffet outside”

These are really annoying, because my work can never provide a time frame these will be held other than “today or tomorrow” or “late afternoon.” I've had to ask “Should I eat lunch now, or later? I'm hungry now” because they couldn't elaborate on when food for an event would arrive.

I think it's really weird and strange that they can't provide times. Is there a reason for this?

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