
Job threatened to fire me for not wanting to put myself in a situation where I have previously almost gotten hurt repeatedly

OK so I work at Krispy Kreme and there was a window in drive-through that yesterday almost broke my hand well there was a customer who had pulled down there and was refusing to back up so I told my boss that I didn’t know what to do because I didn’t wanna get hurt using that window again so he (The assistant manager) threatened to fire me I told him to consider that my two weeks notice and I was sent home on the spot and told that I am not allowed to come back until I talk to the GM about my behavior, I have until today had a perfect record for three months since I started there of no write ups no reprimands nothing just perfect behavior, and because I didn’t wanna hurt myself I was threatened with my job…. One of my dream jobs since I was…

OK so I work at Krispy Kreme and there was a window in drive-through that yesterday almost broke my hand well there was a customer who had pulled down there and was refusing to back up so I told my boss that I didn’t know what to do because I didn’t wanna get hurt using that window again so he (The assistant manager) threatened to fire me I told him to consider that my two weeks notice and I was sent home on the spot and told that I am not allowed to come back until I talk to the GM about my behavior, I have until today had a perfect record for three months since I started there of no write ups no reprimands nothing just perfect behavior, and because I didn’t wanna hurt myself I was threatened with my job…. One of my dream jobs since I was a kid.

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