
Jobs don’t deserve 2-week notices

I actually find it really fucking weird typically you're expected that you have to give a notice in order for the job to find someone to fill in for you, and that makes sense right, but notice how when you're fired it's right away. Not only is it right away but most of the time it comes as a surprise, no warning, and now your main source of paying for bills is gone for the time being. And this is even defended by so many people, calling it disrespectful if you don't. It's disrespectful if you have self respect and value yourself, instead of completely giving in to be fucked by the corporal world. If jobs want a 2-week notice, jobs should give you a 2-week notice before your termination at the company.

I actually find it really fucking weird typically you're expected that you have to give a notice in order for the job to find someone to fill in for you, and that makes sense right, but notice how when you're fired it's right away. Not only is it right away but most of the time it comes as a surprise, no warning, and now your main source of paying for bills is gone for the time being.
And this is even defended by so many people, calling it disrespectful if you don't. It's disrespectful if you have self respect and value yourself, instead of completely giving in to be fucked by the corporal world.
If jobs want a 2-week notice, jobs should give you a 2-week notice before your termination at the company.

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