
Jobs that have been working remotely and are suddenly forcing people back to work for the sake of the office property owners are sick people who are perpetrating the COVID pandemic while not backing good healthcare.

The next surge will be even worse than the last because of this. Now kids are going back to school. After spring break. We could find ourselves in another apocalypse scenario. They are not accounting for the fact of how scary long COVID is. just take a look at r/covidlonghaulers You could be permanently injured on the job for the rest of your life by contracting COVID at work. And the SCOTUS won't even allow vaccines to be mandated, let along booster shots. But its okay because big pharma will sell drugs to these poor COVID long haulers for the rest of their lives, if their employer gives them health insurance to do so. There are some jobs that don't need to work in person and some that do. Why all of a sudden they want everyone to go back to the office? Most office jobs don't need to work…

The next surge will be even worse than the last because of this. Now kids are going back to school. After spring break. We could find ourselves in another apocalypse scenario. They are not accounting for the fact of how scary long COVID is.

just take a look at r/covidlonghaulers

You could be permanently injured on the job for the rest of your life by contracting COVID at work. And the SCOTUS won't even allow vaccines to be mandated, let along booster shots.

But its okay because big pharma will sell drugs to these poor COVID long haulers for the rest of their lives, if their employer gives them health insurance to do so.

There are some jobs that don't need to work in person and some that do. Why all of a sudden they want everyone to go back to the office? Most office jobs don't need to work in person, all of its done on computers. Its like they're trying to screw with us. And have us all get COVID so we can be slaves to psychotropic drugs for our long haul symptoms. These people are sick and we should go on strike against going back to the office. People are being scarred for the rest of their lives because they have to go back to the office. Its sick how even top government officials are herding people back into the office. Its almost like some wealthy landlords are concerned about collected rents from wealthy corporations run by old fashion people who like the power they have in office politics.

Go on strike. Stop working. If your employer forces you to go back into the office. Just say you're not going to do it. Demand the working conditions you want.

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