
John Oliver gives smack down to land lords

So just watched a new episode of Last Week Tonight with John Oliver talking about rent and landlords. It time to recognize housing is a human right and not a luxury. It’s time to pass laws giving people court appointed lawyers during eviction court, time to pass laws so land lords can’t price gouge the housing market. When rent goes up so does everything else. People need a roof over their head again we Need That. It’s outrageous these people care more about money than human lives.

So just watched a new episode of Last Week Tonight with John Oliver talking about rent and landlords. It time to recognize housing is a human right and not a luxury. It’s time to pass laws giving people court appointed lawyers during eviction court, time to pass laws so land lords can’t price gouge the housing market. When rent goes up so does everything else. People need a roof over their head again we Need That. It’s outrageous these people care more about money than human lives.

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