
Joker’s biggest sin is fighting for the working class and underprivileged

I mean also burning shit down and murdering people as well, but you know, maybe some people don't fear enough. I literally cannot watch any rendition of Batman without thinking BW is a huge pansy asshole billionaire manchild and Joker is more relatable and not just in the “we live in a society” way but more like “fuck this society, seriously” way. It's funny how they present Gotham as this sin city that's beyond hope but in reality it's really no worse than NYC, and the best part about it is that it is fictional. Of course I realize things weren't that bad when Batman was first conceived, but nowadays it's just painfully hilarious.

I mean also burning shit down and murdering people as well, but you know, maybe some people don't fear enough.

I literally cannot watch any rendition of Batman without thinking BW is a huge pansy asshole billionaire manchild and Joker is more relatable and not just in the “we live in a society” way but more like “fuck this society, seriously” way.

It's funny how they present Gotham as this sin city that's beyond hope but in reality it's really no worse than NYC, and the best part about it is that it is fictional. Of course I realize things weren't that bad when Batman was first conceived, but nowadays it's just painfully hilarious.

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