
Joking around got my wife a nice bump in her salary

I'll start by saying my wife still has that mentality of not talking about salary with co-workers and not rocking the boat at work. She works in Accounts Payable but she does way more than she needs to there, takes on all sorts of responsibilities and extra work without the extra pay. I am constantly telling her to see if she gets her resume together and apply elsewhere and she will get a nice bump in salary with her experience. She wants to stay because the people are nice and it's very convenient (5-10 min drive from home). We went to a charity fundraising gala/dinner that a retired co-worker/friend of hers was running. Everything was nice and my wife's boss was there. She's a nice enough person so we're talking and joking around and I happen to mention to her that I mentioned to my wife that she should get…

I'll start by saying my wife still has that mentality of not talking about salary with co-workers and not rocking the boat at work. She works in Accounts Payable but she does way more than she needs to there, takes on all sorts of responsibilities and extra work without the extra pay. I am constantly telling her to see if she gets her resume together and apply elsewhere and she will get a nice bump in salary with her experience. She wants to stay because the people are nice and it's very convenient (5-10 min drive from home).

We went to a charity fundraising gala/dinner that a retired co-worker/friend of hers was running. Everything was nice and my wife's boss was there. She's a nice enough person so we're talking and joking around and I happen to mention to her that I mentioned to my wife that she should get her resume together because she needs to be earning more money. Well that must have given her boss a jolt because the following week my wife mentions to me that they are raising her yearly salary around 4-5k (I think it comes out to about 8-9% raise hourly).

My wife was happy about the pay raise but I still try to nudge her and tell her she could make even more somewhere else. Next time I see her boss I will suggest another pay raise and more vacation time.

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