
Just a mini rant.

Throwaway because I don't want the few people who know my main to know my struggles. Without going into too much detail here's a rundown of my life from the age of 17-26 17 – Barely graduate HS while working fast food. Paychecks mostly went to helping pay rent/for food. I would have loved to further my education but my family simply didn't/doesn't have the time or money to make it happen. None of us have gone and it's likely none of us ever will. If I compromised my work schedule after HS for college, there is not a doubt in my mind that my mother and I would have been evicted. 18 – Get a job at UPS as it had better pay. 3rd shift. Only ever have the energy to go to work and only ever have the money/financial literacy to break about even, but still more than…

Throwaway because I don't want the few people who know my main to know my struggles.

Without going into too much detail here's a rundown of my life from the age of 17-26

17 – Barely graduate HS while working fast food. Paychecks mostly went to helping pay rent/for food. I would have loved to further my education but my family simply didn't/doesn't have the time or money to make it happen. None of us have gone and it's likely none of us ever will. If I compromised my work schedule after HS for college, there is not a doubt in my mind that my mother and I would have been evicted.

18 – Get a job at UPS as it had better pay. 3rd shift. Only ever have the energy to go to work and only ever have the money/financial literacy to break about even, but still more than fast food.

19-25 – Continue that song and dance while struggling with severe suicidal thoughts and constant set backs. Can't leave Mom because she would get evicted and be homeless. I haven't even mentioned yet that she's an addict. Eventually save up enough throughout this time to build a mid range pc. I saw it as a way to learn something useful and escape poverty. Maybe if I could learn python or software development or after effects or how to build a website or SOMETHING I could get a job with it. Last year I got a job with a transcribing company using my pc that is work from home and very enjoyable. Finally start making a “good' cash flow as you can work whenever and I don't have a life anyways so I typed all the time. Ad after political ad after infomercial after orientation video. I didn't care, I loved the “freedom” of not working in a warehouse and being able to be awake during the day.

26/last week – Since I've lived with my mom all this time in a small apartment, obviously my romantic life has struggled. Any time I've wanted to get NSFW I either go to their place, or save/budget for a night or two at a hotel and meet somebody on tinder down for a one night stand. I did just that last weekend, but when I returned home my pc and mother were gone. All of her stuff gone and all of my (very few) valuables gone. She likely sold my pc for a fraction of the money, work, and tears I paid to build it in order to get a fix and ran off with someone deserving of her. I can no longer do my job. I barely have a month saftey net. I have to go back to a warehouse. I just did a drug/background check for UPS a few days ago. 8 years of my life absolutely wasted. I have to save up to move so that she never knows where I live. I have to save up for another so that I can do this bullshit cycle over again. How do you people put up with this? Is there no fucking escape?

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