
Just a rant about retail.

I know many of you will agree with me. I work part time in a retail store, and nothing ANNOYS me more then a customer walking up to the register without me calling them! It’s very fucking annoying and I don’t appreciate it. Yes you whoever is reading this that does this. When I ring my fucking bell come to my register if not please stay the hell back. It’s annoying sometimes I just wanna breath for 5 seconds without being bombarded with customers. If you hear the bell then coke to the register if not please stop coming and saying “ are u open?” Cuz frankly I’m fucking not!

I know many of you will agree with me. I work part time in a retail store, and nothing ANNOYS me more then a customer walking up to the register without me calling them! It’s very fucking annoying and I don’t appreciate it. Yes you whoever is reading this that does this. When I ring my fucking bell come to my register if not please stay the hell back. It’s annoying sometimes I just wanna breath for 5 seconds without being bombarded with customers. If you hear the bell then coke to the register if not please stop coming and saying “ are u open?” Cuz frankly I’m fucking not!

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