
Just a story about a f***ed veteran who is tired.

I'm going to skip the some of middle details a bit and get to the point: VA wants me to acquired employment verification for 5 years work of work, so I have to communicate with 2 jobs that royally messed me up without help. So one of these jobs (the other is a whole story in itself) was sorta okay in the early stages of covid. It was the only job I could get to provide for my wife and two cats. An IT/tech support for “insert major game console company.” Well things went okay mostly because I'm a gamer and a techie, so I was literally bolstering the scores of my management because I never dropped calls or chats without a resolution. As these stories tend to do, change of hats meant new guidelines and new boss. Well this new guy didn't like the fact that I took about…

I'm going to skip the some of middle details a bit and get to the point: VA wants me to acquired employment verification for 5 years work of work, so I have to communicate with 2 jobs that royally messed me up without help.

So one of these jobs (the other is a whole story in itself) was sorta okay in the early stages of covid. It was the only job I could get to provide for my wife and two cats. An IT/tech support for “insert major game console company.” Well things went okay mostly because I'm a gamer and a techie, so I was literally bolstering the scores of my management because I never dropped calls or chats without a resolution.

As these stories tend to do, change of hats meant new guidelines and new boss. Well this new guy didn't like the fact that I took about 5 minutes between calls (throwing up blood, PTSD, pseudo blackouts… ya know, vet stuff) so he confronted me about it. I explained my medical condition and that the company was already made aware of it. He sorta let it go but also rubbed his own vet status in my face (As if I couldn't tell what a figurehead officer sounded like from the beginning).

Suddenly my performance is tanking because a robot now decides how “friendly” you sound on calls. I have a very deep and admittedly apathetic voice, and the robot felt like I was patronizing the callers. Long story short: boss continues to get mad about robot and post-call times.

I finally confront him and tell him, “If you want to fire me then hurry up with it, unemployment would be easier than working for your dumb ass.” He backs down, I double down, rinse and repeat. (Turns out I was making his scores pretty damn good too).

Well one day I'm vomitting blood every 10 minutes for about 24 hours straight. (esophageal varices or something) I was unconscious for roughly the next 3 days, but the ICU I woke up in was about 6 hours from home. I wake up and check my phone, to note particularly I had been emailed a termination survey from the job.

Skipping back to the present, I got my employment verification to say that I “voluntarily terminated employment.” I asked them if they were sure they wanted to go with that answer. Yup. I asked again if they were sure they wanted to use that answer against my hospitalization dates in court. As it stands there hasn't been a response for a long time, but I have enough proof against them that the follow up might be on r/ProRevenge.

Thanks for listening to my ted talk but I really just needed to blow off some steam today… good luck to any of you out there facing the bullshit of corporate america….

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