
Just because YOU chose to pursue and education, doesn’t mean people who didn’t deserve crap pay.

I am so tired of seeing these priviliged potatoes comment about how only jobs that require a degree are worth anything and should be paid well. They expect privilige and for everyone else to get treated and paid badly just because they themselves decided to waste years of their life on a crazy expensive paper. First of all, not everyone should have to go to college, wants to, can afford to, or is even able to intellectually. Simply not everyone can handle years of incredibly draining and specialized studies, and that should be okay. Stop trying to force people into college that don’t belong there and will never thrive there. It is basically a form of torture for some people. Everyone should be paid well, for just putting in their time and labor, it isn’t complicated. That is all, and I find people who push the narrative that these incredibly…

I am so tired of seeing these priviliged potatoes comment about how only jobs that require a degree are worth anything and should be paid well. They expect privilige and for everyone else to get treated and paid badly just because they themselves decided to waste years of their life on a crazy expensive paper. First of all, not everyone should have to go to college, wants to, can afford to, or is even able to intellectually. Simply not everyone can handle years of incredibly draining and specialized studies, and that should be okay. Stop trying to force people into college that don’t belong there and will never thrive there. It is basically a form of torture for some people. Everyone should be paid well, for just putting in their time and labor, it isn’t complicated. That is all, and I find people who push the narrative that these incredibly demanding “low skill” jobs don’t deserve good pay are sociopathic. They are. Those types of jobs are fucking hard, and hold up our society.

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