
Just called in sick today after 2 hours of training

I feel really unwell. This is a call center job. I notified 3 of my supervisors and the one who was giving me the training via chat, notifed all 4 of them. Shut down the work PC and now I'm recovering. I don't care if they fire me. I (my health) come first, it's not my fault I've fallen ill now. Also shut down my work phone so they can't bother me while I recover.

I feel really unwell. This is a call center job. I notified 3 of my supervisors and the one who was giving me the training via chat, notifed all 4 of them. Shut down the work PC and now I'm recovering.

I don't care if they fire me. I (my health) come first, it's not my fault I've fallen ill now.

Also shut down my work phone so they can't bother me while I recover.

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