
“Just drink some coffee or soda.” -Advice from a therapist to handle work fatigue

I’ve been feeling very tired lately. I’m working two jobs on campus and studying at night. When I told my therapist about how tired I‘ve been feeling lately, he just said “you’ll just have to get used to it because when you graduate you‘ll be working much more than you do now.” Then he recommended that I drink soda or coffee, which are out of the question for me because they give me stomach cramps (I have IBS). Then he said that I may be one of those people who has unusually low stamina, which is BS because I’ve been feeling like this ever since I started working and studying at the same time.

I’ve been feeling very tired lately. I’m working two jobs on campus and studying at night. When I told my therapist about how tired I‘ve been feeling lately, he just said “you’ll just have to get used to it because when you graduate you‘ll be working much more than you do now.” Then he recommended that I drink soda or coffee, which are out of the question for me because they give me stomach cramps (I have IBS). Then he said that I may be one of those people who has unusually low stamina, which is BS because I’ve been feeling like this ever since I started working and studying at the same time.

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