
Just experienced the most horrible job interview

Oh hi hello, this is just a throwaway account. Was gonna post this on Glassdoor but decided it was way too ranty and petty (I did a shorter to the point review instead) but didn't want to waste all this typing I did. Some info – I have a profession in marketing and currently working as a social media specialist. I saw this job posting from a company that serves as a government contractor that provides “engineering services”. I decided to throw my resume at it because I want to get away from main focus social media work and they were just asking for good sales/customer service skills with a bachelors degree and 5 years of experience. I also have experience working for the government (including the job I have right now). This was my first draft to Glassdoor (with some things I just now added) First off, job description…

Oh hi hello, this is just a throwaway account. Was gonna post this on Glassdoor but decided it was way too ranty and petty (I did a shorter to the point review instead) but didn't want to waste all this typing I did.

Some info – I have a profession in marketing and currently working as a social media specialist. I saw this job posting from a company that serves as a government contractor that provides “engineering services”. I decided to throw my resume at it because I want to get away from main focus social media work and they were just asking for good sales/customer service skills with a bachelors degree and 5 years of experience. I also have experience working for the government (including the job I have right now). This was my first draft to Glassdoor (with some things I just now added)

First off, job description is misleading, as they only ask for a bachelor's degree and 5 years of experience with marketing, sales, contracts, DoD and the like, nothing more. Internal recruiter called for phone interview, says I'd make a great fit and said she'd love for me to meet the CEO and other execs.

Day of interview (with a days notice), I come into a sketchy looking building and meet the execs first. Polite people who informed me that CEO was running late and apparently tells them to start without her. They ask basic experience questions. CEO comes in. This is where the “fun” begins.

CEO then starts beating me down with questions about how I would handle this job. I give my best answer despite not knowing the industry and had only had their horrible website with convoluted information. She then berates me and my experience then says there is no way in hell I could do this job and that she didn't even want to interview me, which was obvious the way she barged in with no regard(which also made me question their recruiter). She says I don't deserve the pay that I was asking then asks everyone in the room and they just agree, which came off to me as them just being her “yes men”. She then says she MAY consider opening a part-time position for me if I “prove” myself by doing a bunch of work and research for free to put on presentation for them in a few days time and MAYBE turn it into a full time position.

I had agreed to do it, only because my brain was still processing of what was happening since this was my first time experience with such a horrible “interview”. Afterwards, I took a closer look at their website and decided that these people have no idea what they're doing despite bragging about dealing with hundreds of millions of dollars. Also, according to their incompetent mission statement(at this time), they deal with household services like landscaping and pest control. Did not realize that was part of engineering services.

Anyhoo, I've been looking for new work for awhile now but this made me want to take a pause on that and just work on gaining some new skills so I can find a much better paying job. Thanks for reading my rant.

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