
Just Fired From My Job For Something I Didn’t Do

So I'm a little shaken up from this because I've never experienced anything like it. I've been with my company almost 10 years and never even had a blip on the radar as far as doing anything wrong or breaking any policy. Cut to a week ago, I was accused of forging another employee's signature. I was supposed to get something signed by an employee and when I checked my sheet at the end of the day I saw a signature with the employee's name so I assumed they saw it and just signed it, that kind of thing is normal since we're always running around. I filled in the current date that it was and other misc other info that wasn't filled out. Cut to the next day, another person in a similar position as me calls the employee over and asks them to sign that same paper (alleging…

So I'm a little shaken up from this because I've never experienced anything like it. I've been with my company almost 10 years and never even had a blip on the radar as far as doing anything wrong or breaking any policy.

Cut to a week ago, I was accused of forging another employee's signature. I was supposed to get something signed by an employee and when I checked my sheet at the end of the day I saw a signature with the employee's name so I assumed they saw it and just signed it, that kind of thing is normal since we're always running around.

I filled in the current date that it was and other misc other info that wasn't filled out. Cut to the next day, another person in a similar position as me calls the employee over and asks them to sign that same paper (alleging they didn't know it had already been signed) and thats when they claimed that that wasn't their signature.

I was instantly accused of forging their signature and our security cameras picked me up writing the other info on the sheet but the paper is off camera so you can't really tell. Video shows multiple people walking up to my desk where the paper was but there's no clear shot of anyone possibly writing on the paper. HR and my boss's boss think it's obviously me and we're trying to convince me to just confess.

I was placed on suspension pending an investigation, and was not given any info on how long this would take or who I'd hear back from. I didn't find out of their decision to terminate me until I looked in my mailbox and saw a termination letter. No call, no text, nothing.

So I'm wondering if I have any grounds for a lawsuit and what steps I should take next. I contacted the Labor Department and they claim there's nothing they can do because I work in in “at will” state. Thanks ahead of time for any advice you can provide.

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