
just found out I’m not only paid less than everyone but I’m being trash talked behind my back

Just as the title says. Ive given so much of my time to this place. My mental health has suffered greatly. My body is sore and I'm so tired. I've been there for 2 years. I know everything. I train. I'm a LEAD. Yet I'm paid the least and not only that but my boss talks shit about me behind my back to NEW HIRES BEFORE I HAVE EVEN MET THEM. Why am I still here? Why am I sacrificing my body to you???? You made believe you were different and yet here I am feeling like shit. You should be the one feeling like shit. I ask for a vacation and you tell me I won't have a job afterwards???? I'm paid the LEAST??!! fuck you. No job is worth your mental state or your body. And i want you to know that everyone else knows now. Everyone knows…

Just as the title says. Ive given so much of my time to this place. My mental health has suffered greatly. My body is sore and I'm so tired. I've been there for 2 years. I know everything. I train. I'm a LEAD. Yet I'm paid the least and not only that but my boss talks shit about me behind my back to NEW HIRES BEFORE I HAVE EVEN MET THEM.

Why am I still here? Why am I sacrificing my body to you???? You made believe you were different and yet here I am feeling like shit. You should be the one feeling like shit.

I ask for a vacation and you tell me I won't have a job afterwards???? I'm paid the LEAST??!! fuck you.

No job is worth your mental state or your body. And i want you to know that everyone else knows now. Everyone knows how you treat me. How much I'm being paid. How much of my time I've spent on you as a fucking FAVOR. UNIONIZE PEOPLE!!! I'm good at what i do and i care a lot but let me tell you the second and i mean the SECOND you disrespect me to save some money i will take you down with me. I'm poor because you don't pay me enough which means i have nothing to lose.

I'm so angry right now. I don't even know what to do. He calls me dog shit. Tells new hires not to listen to me. Pays me so little just because I'm “nice”

Fuck him and fuck that job.

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