
Just found out my job was listed online, while I’m still working.

Long story short, after a bad meeting with one of my bosses (where he threatened me to either change my attitude? or part our ways), not even an hour later I'm finding that he already posted the job online. Yes, I started searching right away cause I was already sniffing something fishy beforehand because not even a few days earlier, the only guy working middle management just left (he coped to work with these assholes a whooping 5 1/2 MONTHS) . No notice, no nothing, my dude had the balls to just walk out the door (which maybe I should have done too, but unfortunately, I am not in a position yet to do so). I am sure this is my job two reasons: For as long as I have worked here, I did not hear once they were looking to expand and from what I know from former colleagues,…

Long story short, after a bad meeting with one of my bosses (where he threatened me to either change my attitude? or part our ways), not even an hour later I'm finding that he already posted the job online. Yes, I started searching right away cause I was already sniffing something fishy beforehand because not even a few days earlier, the only guy working middle management just left (he coped to work with these assholes a whooping 5 1/2 MONTHS) . No notice, no nothing, my dude had the balls to just walk out the door (which maybe I should have done too, but unfortunately, I am not in a position yet to do so). I am sure this is my job two reasons:

  1. For as long as I have worked here, I did not hear once they were looking to expand and from what I know from former colleagues, they never hired more than one person on my position (also, even though they are rich they are the most cheapskates persons I know)
  2. It is a pretty specific job and since they posted on the site I got hired from a year before, I did compare it with the one from my applications and they are basically the same

Until the other CEO returns from business trip (next week If I am not mistaken), I am stuck in a limbo and I do not know what to do except searching for other jobs in the meantime, which I know it will probably take me a while. I'm saying this because I think they will fire me when the other CEO's returns. Even though the guy I had the bad meeting with started to sabotage my work and deadlines, told me to my face he does not care about my personal problems, even though there are no growth opportunities and the pay is shit, I wanted to keep doing this for a while. I had no reasons before to leave except for the pay, the team is great and I'm loving what I'm doing.

If you have been in my situation, please give me an advice, I would really appreciate it!

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