
Just got a big promotion and a hefty budget towards increasing quality of life and conditions for the workers, need some advice.

So as the title suggests i got a hefty promotion and a big budget that lets me increase quality of life of our workers. Without saying too that will give away which company im working for ill be a bit sparse on the details ; my workplace has had a great deal of people quitting, which was reasonable considering the conditions we are lucky we arent getting sued. (this is not a American company btw, but a bit of googling suggests its pretty much the same workers laws) I kissed ass the get a interview with the owner and promised him i could fix the current situation in return for a promotion and a budget to make conditions better, and everyone thats a year 2 assosiate or above so far gets : the equivalent of a 5k usd bonus in cash Extra interview about a pay raise (we do them…

So as the title suggests i got a hefty promotion and a big budget that lets me increase quality of life of our workers.

Without saying too that will give away which company im working for ill be a bit sparse on the details ; my workplace has had a great deal of people quitting, which was reasonable considering the conditions we are lucky we arent getting sued.

(this is not a American company btw, but a bit of googling suggests its pretty much the same workers laws)

I kissed ass the get a interview with the owner and promised him i could fix the current situation in return for a promotion and a budget to make conditions better, and everyone thats a year 2 assosiate or above so far gets :

the equivalent of a 5k usd bonus in cash

Extra interview about a pay raise (we do them yearly and this time actually have the budget to do that)

Medical / dental / chiropractor etc

but i still got a bunch of the budget to use, and i'm here to get some advice of what youre missing from your company, budget is big but not infinite tho and i still need some of that budget for signing bonuses now that we are hiring again.

Thank you!

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