
Just got fired and kicked out of truck during a severe snow emergency.

Have been working for this sad excuse of a landscaping company for the better part of a year now. Today is the first snow storm with heavy snowfall and temperatures dropping to -4°F so we were switching to salting/plowing for the season. Let me preface this by saying I wasn’t even supposed to work tonight, I postponed a Christmas trip with my girlfriend to be able to help him tonight because he said I wouldn’t have a job waiting for me if I didn’t. Long story short, we’re 2 hours into the night and I ask my boss ,who is also the owner of the company, about what time do you think we’ll be done as he hasn’t told me yet. He says around noon the following day (13 hour shift). I obviously am taken back by this because I never would have agreed to work had I known it…

Have been working for this sad excuse of a landscaping company for the better part of a year now. Today is the first snow storm with heavy snowfall and temperatures dropping to -4°F so we were switching to salting/plowing for the season. Let me preface this by saying I wasn’t even supposed to work tonight, I postponed a Christmas trip with my girlfriend to be able to help him tonight because he said I wouldn’t have a job waiting for me if I didn’t. Long story short, we’re 2 hours into the night and I ask my boss ,who is also the owner of the company, about what time do you think we’ll be done as he hasn’t told me yet. He says around noon the following day (13 hour shift). I obviously am taken back by this because I never would have agreed to work had I known it would be such a long day. I tell him that I really wish he had ran this by me, as we were supposed to be leaving to go on a trip that morning. He then proceeds to yell at me and curse at me telling me to get out of the truck and to walk home (we’re 40 mins away from my apartment). I then had to walk 1.5 miles to the nearest gas station, where I had to wait outside until my girlfriend got there about 45 mins later. Wtf

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