So I had to move over the weekend, I told my supervisor way ahead of time and arranged off days and everything. My usual off Days are Sunday and Monday, I requested I get Saturday off, and then work Monday and start a fresh week. He said okay great! Good luck on the move!.
It's Sunday morning, I'm sitting in my house surrounded by boxes and have a UHaul to return and I get a call
I explained the situation (this is to another supervisor)
Then the supervisor I arranged everything with calls me
“We need you to bring the company van and all assets to the office Monday, we need someone that can actually work”
What the FUCK. I just moved into a new house was having a great fucking day, I get called and told I'm fired and just lost everything? Health insurance my van everything over ONE DAY THAT WAS PLANNED. Pfft.
Not to mention I've done thousands of dollars in free overtime for them since it's paid per job because I was driving 2 hour commute then starting my jobs then 2 hour commute home (HUGE FAVOR FOR THEM they said) which they said I was being paid by the hour, then right when my good overtime check was supposed to hit I was informed oh actually you're paid by job. 50 hours 400 bucks. Lol what a joke.