
Just got fired for having food poisoning

I just got fired today. I've been with the company for roughly a month. I called out a week ago today because my cousin died. And then I called out Friday and Saturday because I had food poisoning. Got the call today that I was being let go for “excessive absences”. Also worth noting that I informed them in my interview that I have a physical disability. They were fine until I handed in a reasonable accommodation notice. Then they got very passive-aggressive with me. I'm supposed to be in a union but apparently employees have a 90 day “trial period” where you pay the union dues, but the company gets to try you out and decide if they want to keep you or not and the union can't protect you from anything in those first 90 days. This was my first job since COVID hit. Everywhere else has refused…

I just got fired today. I've been with the company for roughly a month. I called out a week ago today because my cousin died. And then I called out Friday and Saturday because I had food poisoning. Got the call today that I was being let go for “excessive absences”.

Also worth noting that I informed them in my interview that I have a physical disability. They were fine until I handed in a reasonable accommodation notice. Then they got very passive-aggressive with me.

I'm supposed to be in a union but apparently employees have a 90 day “trial period” where you pay the union dues, but the company gets to try you out and decide if they want to keep you or not and the union can't protect you from anything in those first 90 days. This was my first job since COVID hit. Everywhere else has refused to hire me after they find out I'm disabled. I can't afford to not work. I'm fortunate enough to live with family but if they find out I lost this job, I might be on the streets.

I'm just so done. What's the point anymore? Why am I still here? If I'm doomed to fail no matter what, then why do I even try?

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