
just got fired for no cause 7 days before I got into the union

I'm a machinist, I was working in a job shop which specialized in department of defense government contracts. I was paid 25 an hour, so naturally when I found a job at an international welder manufacturing company which paid 30 an hour with a closer commute and better benefits, I applied. I interviewed, got the job and started working. The position was entry level to anyone who has worked in manufacturing before. I went from an ultra stressful job to an easy one, I was thrilled. Well I start working and I hear rumors that if you make it past the 60 day probation you are actually hired, the probationaries are basically Temps without knowing it, usually being fired a week or even days before they get in the union. Well on day 53, I get called down to the plant managers office, “hey, so I noticed you were 7…

I'm a machinist, I was working in a job shop which specialized in department of defense government contracts. I was paid 25 an hour, so naturally when I found a job at an international welder manufacturing company which paid 30 an hour with a closer commute and better benefits, I applied. I interviewed, got the job and started working. The position was entry level to anyone who has worked in manufacturing before. I went from an ultra stressful job to an easy one, I was thrilled. Well I start working and I hear rumors that if you make it past the 60 day probation you are actually hired, the probationaries are basically Temps without knowing it, usually being fired a week or even days before they get in the union. Well on day 53, I get called down to the plant managers office, “hey, so I noticed you were 7 minutes late on Wednesday last week, as you know you are a probationary employee and as this is a non right to work state you can be dismissed at any time without cause, so effective immediately, you are no longer employed here, I will escort you to collect your things and then escort you to the door”

Tldr left a well paying Job at an amazing company to become a temp without knowing it and being fired right before joining the union.

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