
Just got fired from the double arches.

Hope this is the right place for this, I’m completely at a loss. It makes absolutely zero sense how I was fired, especially knowing what the GM lets others get away with. Some backstory: when I was 16 I started working at Mc. Got my girlfriend a job there after a month and was doing good. A year later I was on track to becoming a manager but due to horrid scheduling and being placed on the worst position 8hrs a day every single day, I submitted and worked out my 2 weeks. Worked at a grocer store 3rd shift until me and my GF had to move back into our small town. Quit at the grocery store and went back to the Mc my girlfriend was now a manager at. I started less than 2 months ago. Also important, GM had been complaining about losses from the previous quarter…

Hope this is the right place for this, I’m completely at a loss. It makes absolutely zero sense how I was fired, especially knowing what the GM lets others get away with.

Some backstory: when I was 16 I started working at Mc. Got my girlfriend a job there after a month and was doing good. A year later I was on track to becoming a manager but due to horrid scheduling and being placed on the worst position 8hrs a day every single day, I submitted and worked out my 2 weeks. Worked at a grocer store 3rd shift until me and my GF had to move back into our small town. Quit at the grocery store and went back to the Mc my girlfriend was now a manager at. I started less than 2 months ago.

Also important, GM had been complaining about losses from the previous quarter and was on our ass about giving our right sizes and not give out extra items at all, even sauces.

Getting Fired
Today, I came into work at 7am, was supposed to be there until 4pm. At around 10am a customer came through and ordered a caramel mocha and a biscuit. On my screen it was a small drink. I made it and went to hand it out. Then this:

Customer:“It was supposed to be a large”

Me:“On my screen it says it’s a small, if you’d like a large you can drive back around and request a refund for the small and order a large. it’d be faster than waiting at this window to get a manager over here”(there was one on the order taking/cash window)

Customer:”I ordered a large”

M”you’ll have to go back around as I can’t issue you a size that’s at least $2 more than what you paid”

She refused again. I went and got the receipt form the back as she didn’t have it. I glanced at it as I handed it to her and it said the drink was ordered as a small. But then, she showed me that it was promoted off(free) and it was for any size. Fair enough, I wasn’t told or shown that but my bad. I made her the large drink, handed it out and even thanked her for her visit.

5mins later she’s walks inside and makes a complaint to the GM. 5mins after her talking to her supervisor I was fired. It was my second write up within 90 days of hire, which I’ll admit the first one was my fault.

It just makes zero sense because literally 2 months before I started she caught a high schooler doing whip it’s with whip cream in the service area, and gave him a suspension. She regularly shows up late after being the one who writes her and everyone else schedules. Lets managers call off right as their shift starts without even a write up. It sucks even more because she knows my gf very well and she knew that we are trying to apply to places to live and I can’t really do that with no job. I’ll have to wait a month after getting a job to apply for places because most affordable places around here required employment and, 30 days of pay for proof. The rage I felt for her in that moment was ridiculous, enough to the point where I just sat in the park across the road for over an hour calming down. She fucked my life over because I wanted to follow the rules she set.

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