
Just got fired today

Well today has been great. It started off with “you’re fired.” When I asked why, they said they need someone with more experience. I’m a 22 year old female with 3 years of HR experience but okay. I’ve already updated my resume but damn does that hurt. Had 90 days with the company and then they let me know. I wish I knew in advance so I could’ve start looking for another job but whatevs. It’s funny how they always ask that you give them a 2 weeks notice but don’t give a shit when they let you go. Well that’s it. Just wanted to rant and express myself. Hope y’all have a good weekend and a good 4th. Peace

Well today has been great. It started off with “you’re fired.” When I asked why, they said they need someone with more experience. I’m a 22 year old female with 3 years of HR experience but okay. I’ve already updated my resume but damn does that hurt. Had 90 days with the company and then they let me know. I wish I knew in advance so I could’ve start looking for another job but whatevs.

It’s funny how they always ask that you give them a 2 weeks notice but don’t give a shit when they let you go.

Well that’s it. Just wanted to rant and express myself.

Hope y’all have a good weekend and a good 4th.


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