
Just got my full bonus for doing 60% less work

I get a quarterly performance bonus every quarter. This is my 3rd bonus so far. My first one was after my first 3 months at the company and it was a 75% which I understand because there was a steep learning curve and I was getting used to the job and the schedule so come the second quarter I put in my all to being my best. I was hyper punctual, constantly volunteering for new work, turning things in early – going above and beyond and so when bonus conversations happend again I was sure that getting a 100% but nope. I got a 96% and when talking to my boss they said I was doing all necessary tasks but I was not going above and beyond and that’s why I didn’t get that last 4%. I was so upset because I was going above and beyond. That was the…

I get a quarterly performance bonus every quarter. This is my 3rd bonus so far. My first one was after my first 3 months at the company and it was a 75% which I understand because there was a steep learning curve and I was getting used to the job and the schedule so come the second quarter I put in my all to being my best. I was hyper punctual, constantly volunteering for new work, turning things in early – going above and beyond and so when bonus conversations happend again I was sure that getting a 100% but nope. I got a 96% and when talking to my boss they said I was doing all necessary tasks but I was not going above and beyond and that’s why I didn’t get that last 4%. I was so upset because I was going above and beyond.

That was the moment when I started doing the minimum of what I could do. I didn’t volunteer or turn in things early I just did them. I went from working around 35 hours a week to maybe about 10 a week. My work doesn’t take me much time so usually one or twice a week I would spend the morning catching up on work before my check in meeting with my boss.

Last week when I had my bonus talk and he gave me my full bonus I almost laughed. Corporate America is something else. I just started my career about 3 years ago and this was honestly so shocking to me.

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