
Just got offered a manager spot, They’re getting desperate.

I've worked my shitty fast food job for a decade now since I was in high school, did it through college too, same job same store. The only person who's been there longer than me is this super sweet super-religious old woman. The good kinda Christian where they don't really care about you're beliefs as long as you're a good person. I was a shift super for a couple of years a typical make sure everything is done and bust ass to make sure everything is done kinda job. I got passed up on a promotion for a guy who didn't know shit about actually doing the job but knew people and had a “great resume” we'll call him Carl. Carl was shit at his job and insisted that he knew best even when results showed otherwise. I ended up getting the blame for all his fuck ups even though…

I've worked my shitty fast food job for a decade now since I was in high school, did it through college too, same job same store. The only person who's been there longer than me is this super sweet super-religious old woman. The good kinda Christian where they don't really care about you're beliefs as long as you're a good person.

I was a shift super for a couple of years a typical make sure everything is done and bust ass to make sure everything is done kinda job.

I got passed up on a promotion for a guy who didn't know shit about actually doing the job but knew people and had a “great resume” we'll call him Carl.

Carl was shit at his job and insisted that he knew best even when results showed otherwise. I ended up getting the blame for all his fuck ups even though he was my boss. After a year or so I said fuck it and turned in my resignation. Carl stuck around for a very long time until he moved on to greener pastures when he realized that no one he actually worked with was buying his shit.

They talked me into staying but I refused to be a manager or do the work of one ever again. I've been “part-time” for the last few years and they're getting more and more desperate.

I just got offered the job I got passed up for a few years ago cause I'm basically their only option. I don't honestly know what I'm going to do yet but I'm leaning towards turning it down.

The money would definitely be useful but I'd much rather have a job that gets some basic decency and respect than cheeseburgers thrown and curses thrown. We have to stay strong and keep our fingers cross and then maybe we'll actually see some improvement in this horridly dull dystopia.

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