
Just had a bizarre job interview

Sorry need to rant and I thought this might be the place. So info: I replied to a job at a bank the information said it would be switching between face to face and phone contact with consumers. It mentioned that the phone contact could be done from home. I send them my resume on October 10th and they planned the interview for today ( November 2th. ) Which I thought was kind of late but ok. Within 15 minutes it became clear that it was no match. They didn't think I was suitable for doing work on the phone. ( I've been doing that for 3,5 years and I have been enjoying it and customers love me, but ok) Reason they said that was because I said that I can handle busy periods pretty well as long as I'm working on it with my coworkers and we are dealing…

Sorry need to rant and I thought this might be the place.

So info: I replied to a job at a bank the information said it would be switching between face to face and phone contact with consumers. It mentioned that the phone contact could be done from home. I send them my resume on October 10th and they planned the interview for today ( November 2th. ) Which I thought was kind of late but ok.

Within 15 minutes it became clear that it was no match. They didn't think I was suitable for doing work on the phone. ( I've been doing that for 3,5 years and I have been enjoying it and customers love me, but ok)
Reason they said that was because I said that I can handle busy periods pretty well as long as I'm working on it with my coworkers and we are dealing with the problem as a team. I also mentioned that I do feel pressure at my current job it has been extremely busy for the last 8 months and that I feel lonely there because I never see my coworkers anymore and I really miss that team spirit. Which are some of the reasons I'm looking for something else

So they where like you clearly can't handle peak hour on the phone? How is 8 months of extreme busyness a peak hour?

Then they said they can't offer the kind of team feeling I'm looking for. There is no room at the office to do the job so at least 4 days a week would be working from home. How is that even possible if some days are face to face within costumers?

So then it was clear for everyone that this wasn't a match but then they continued to say that they didn't think I'm suitable to be working in the financial world because most of the jobs are from home these days. I told them that the other company I'm in contact with about a job fully works from the office.

The whole interview lasted 20 minuten (Microsoft teams) it was the most bizarre experience I've ever had. I really like the other company I'm on contact with I have my second round of interviews there on Friday to meet 2 of the team members to see if I'm a good fit for their team. This experience made it so clear that that is the place I'm supposed to be working at.

TLDR: HR person doesn't think I'm suitable for a job because I was honest about not wanting to be over worked and like to know my coworkers.

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