
Just handed in my notice and feel on top of the world

Having been continuously mistreated, underpaid and undervalued by this company, I have decided to hand in my notice. This decision was made weeks ago, but I wanted to wait until a time when I could cause maximum upset upon leaving. I work in a bar and nightclub as a manager and my notice period is four weeks. It is four weeks until the students return to our city, whose nightlife relies almost entirely on the students. Hopefully this will cause them a fair bit of stress, especially as no one wants to work in this industry at the moment, plus other places pay a better salary for less hours. On top of that, this company has a horrible reputation for mistreating management, despite calling itself a 'family' (yes i'm aware of this trope now, I wasn't when I joined). I don't have anything lined up but I feel like i've…

Having been continuously mistreated, underpaid and undervalued by this company, I have decided to hand in my notice. This decision was made weeks ago, but I wanted to wait until a time when I could cause maximum upset upon leaving.

I work in a bar and nightclub as a manager and my notice period is four weeks. It is four weeks until the students return to our city, whose nightlife relies almost entirely on the students. Hopefully this will cause them a fair bit of stress, especially as no one wants to work in this industry at the moment, plus other places pay a better salary for less hours. On top of that, this company has a horrible reputation for mistreating management, despite calling itself a 'family' (yes i'm aware of this trope now, I wasn't when I joined).

I don't have anything lined up but I feel like i've got my life back. I've booked Spanish lessons, completed my first ever 5k run yesterday, and haven't touched alcohol or narcotics in over a week. I know this doesn't seem like much but that's the longest i've been sober in over 17 years. Plus there hasn't been any cravings.

I do not have any savings but I am lucky to have a great support network, so I know that I may be in a better position to do this than others. But if you can do it, just do it. F*** these soul suckers.

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